Cover photo for this channel

My name is Lady Ypsilenna of Gloomvale and I am a cartoon villain. Taking over the world? Splendid. Making beards obligatory? Fabulous.
My role model is Goddess Discordia and she inspires me to do micro crimes such as switching Coca Cola for Pepsi or drinking tea with the tea bag still in it.
Cheese is the center of my universe. I wish to shapeshift into a capybara someday in the future, but I can't imagine my life without it. Do capybaras even eat cheese?

I draw, play videogames and write sometimes.
My music playlist alignment is neutral chaotic, so is my way of creating original characters ​:chick_0030:​

Alt name: Saahrimei
#art #gaming #writing

​:chick_0089:​ Website: Ypsilenna.Art (Currently WIP)
​:chick_0105:​ Pixelfed: Pixelfed
​:chick_0172:​ Mastodon: Mastodon

​:chick_0173:​ Currently Playing
